What Is It Like to Participate in a Seminar?
Commonly Asked Questions

Duane at recent seminar

Please note, the in-person seminar option is not available for the October, 2020 seminars through the 2021 seminars.
Due to the current world health challenges and Oregon state laws, the 2020 and the 2021 seminars will be online only.

LIVE AUDIO FEED: We have many wonderful features about the online seminars, including a live feed, DaBen's journeys and Duane's talks that are edited and posted, transcripts of the journeys, and more. DaBen will be teaching us many new ways to connect on the inner planes and in higher ways.

For a link to and information on all of DaBen's upcoming seminars, view the Main Seminars page
If you are already registered for a seminar, Go here to Log In

Go here for seminar times including break times and daily starting and ending times. 

We welcome all seminar participants, and hope you enjoy the seminar!

Read about ways to participate online.

Connect with Others Taking the Seminars: We have FaceBook pages administered by Vi Schlafler that you can use to connect with others and share your experiences. If you are new, there will be a Zoom conference during certain days to connect with the group. You can also arrange to FaceTime, Zoom, or connect with other people you may know who will also be participating in the seminars. Enjoy the wonderful DaBen journeys from the comfort of your home, and participate in real time whenever you can. The DaBen journeys and Duane's talks will be available within a couple of hours after they are given.

DaBen's transmissions: the seminar begins with your registration!
Once you enroll DaBen will immediately begin transmitting to you to prepare you for the energies you will be exploring at the seminar. He asks for beings of light to join him in working with you. DaBen transmits whatever energy is next for you during each meditation. You will have much inner assistance from DaBen, your guide, and many highly evolved beings of light at the seminar and during the time leading up to it. Because these seminars present energies that are at the leading edge of human consciousness, you will have much support for many months after the seminar as well whenever you play with these spaces.

I recently graduated from the light body course, will I understand what DaBen is teaching? (Yes!)
The answer is Yes! You can have wonderful, expansive, and breakthrough experiences at all levels of study as you get into the energy spaces DaBen is transmitting. Success with DaBen's meditations is not about keeping up with the group or getting the same thing as everybody else is getting, (because everyone will have a completely unique experience as well). It is about opening to the individual opportunities that are the right ones for you. Each light body meditation can bring you incredible experiences and life-changing realizations. You will experience exactly what you need to shift into higher consciousness in whatever way is perfect for you. You can experience states of consciousness that are peaceful, flowing, expansive, mystical, and deeply transformative as you participate in DaBen's seminar journeys. Each DaBen meditation offers you an opportunity to experience unique, memorable, and insightful experiences that will expand your consciousness.

During each journey DaBen transmits to you
whatever energies are next for you.

We have people at all levels of skill with their light body participating in these courses. The energies during a seminar are very high. Everyone lifts into higher spaces as DaBen transmits the new energies, amplified by the large number of people focused on receiving and expanding into these energies in a fairly close time-frame, all who are among the first to open to these new spaces. We have had many recent light body graduates, those who have not yet taken many graduate courses, and those who are just picking up the light body after a significant break, report to us that they had wonderful experiences at the seminar during the DaBen meditations and were able to lift higher than ever before.

Be among the first to experience these energies - an incredible opportunity
All of you who enroll in the seminars are the first to open up these energies for yourself and for humanity. The seminars teach DaBen's latest work and are always about bringing through energies that are new to the earth plane. No matter when you listen to DaBen's guided meditations you will always be in the first group, the pioneers of opening this energy. You are at the edges of human consciousness as you explore these energies, playing with new energies and patterns of light and consciousness that have not previously existed on the earth plane.

By being among the first to experience these energies you will make an impact on these energies and how they will be released to humanity. As part of the original group opening these energies, you help set how these energies will develop, including what the range of the energy will initially be and the flavor that these energies will take on as they move out into human consciousness.

Because of your role of being among the first to open to this consciousness, you will receive much extra support by DaBen and many beings of light. DaBen's transmissions are different for the people who learn this consciousness after the initial opening; then the energies are more set up, easier to find, and more stable. Those who follow later will be helping to solidify the development of the consciousness that supports the energy spaces being taught. DaBen's transmissions to you who are among the first to seed these energies for humanity are more intense and include great opportunities for you to move into much higher consciousness, made possible by your help in opening this energy for humanity.

As you use these energies and work with them, you become a transmitter of these energies to others. Because you are pioneering these energies and will be holding the space for these energies to become available to others in the future, the guides will offer you much individual attention and transmissions on the inner planes from the time you register, and during and after the seminar.

After the seminar

You will continue to receive DaBen's support, as well as the support of the beings of light you worked with during the seminar, to continue the shift that you started during the seminar. There will be live streaming so you can listen in real-time. All DaBen meditations and talks will be posted online by Sunday evening for the Friday-Sunday seminar for you to stream or download. We intend to have the audio meditations from the Monday -Wednesday seminar posted by Thursday morning the following day.

Transcripts of DaBen's meditations and talks will be available during the seminar as they are typed and posted. About 12-14 weeks after the seminar ends, and sometimes much sooner, we will repost the seminar, with all the talks and meditations digitally edited, (coughs removed, etc.). At that time a zip file will be available of the entire seminar, that will also include a PDF of the transcripts with notes of what music used during each journey.

Deposit and Registration for all seminars: You can register by following the links off of the Master Seminar Index Page, or click on the current seminar link off of the Seminars and Events menu on the left side of every web page.  Find the link to the seminar you wish to enroll in, go to that seminar page, and use the "Add to Cart" button to add either the deposit or the payment in full to your shopping cart, and check out as you normally would for any product.

Upon receiving your seminar payment you will be sent an Order Confirmation by email. You must be paid in full to participate in the seminar in person or take the seminar remotely, online and have access to the seminar audio course. Live streaming will be available.

Online Payments: To register via our website, you will need a MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Diner's, JCB, Maestro, or PayPal card or account.

If you have been making payments and want to make a final payment, you can log-on to your Member's Area, and follow the links off of "Order History and Seminar Payments" to pay your balance for the seminar. 

Seminar Logistics

All seminars are online with a live audio feed, including download and streaming options. 
Please read our statement for more details

Taking a Seminar Remotely
If you are already registered, Go here to Log In
Schedule and times of seminar


2023 Graduate Light Body Seminar Dates and Titles


Light Evolutions
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB506E $375
Part 1 9 December 2022. Part 2 6 January 2023, Part 3 3 February 2023, Part 4 3 March 2023
Prerequisite October 2022 Main Seminar
Register or read more


Enhancing Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Exciting New Mini-seminar Series - Evolving Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB141E $375
Part 1 16 December 2022, Part 2 13 January 2023, Part 3 10 February 2023, Part 4 10 March 2023
Register or read more


Being, Being Light
Main Seminar, First of Two in a New Series - Being Light
Three days, more than 25 DaBen journeys LB985E $575
21 through 23 April 2023
Register or read more


Depth of Being
Two-Day Light Play Seminar Series - Being of Light following the Main Seminar
Two days, more than 18 DaBen journeys LB721E $375
25 through 26 April 2023
Register or read more


Your Light Consciousness
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB507E $375
Four months between May and September 2023, to be announced
Prerequisite April 2023 Main Seminar
Register or read more


Expanding Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Mini-seminar Series - Evolving Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB142E $375
Four months between May and September 2023, to be announced
Register or read more


Being Your Unique Light
Main Seminar, Second of Two in a New Series - Being Light
Three days, more than 25 DaBen journeys LB986E $575
20 through 22 October 2023
Register or read more

Weaving Consciousness Expressions
Two-Day Light Play Seminar Series - Being of Light following the Main Seminar
Two days, more than 18 DaBen journeys LB722E $375
24 through 25 October 2023
Register or read more

Choosing Light
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB508E $375
Four months between November 2023 and March 2024, to be announced
Prerequisite October 2023 Main Seminar
Register or read more

Prerequisites for all light body graduate seminars: You need to have completed DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body six-volume course or have taken it with a teacher to enroll in any of the graduate light body courses above.
To participate in the two-day Light Play seminars, you will need to have taken the Main Seminar as a prerequisite, as the Light Play seminars build on what was taught in the three-day (Friday through Sunday) Main seminars.
There will be four mini-seminars (Fridays, 9AM-12PM PST) offered in-between the April and October seminars for graduates of the Main seminars.

What preparation do you need to get the most out of DaBen's seminars?
You can have wonderful, expansive, and breakthrough experiences at all levels of study as you get into the energy spaces DaBen is transmitting. Success with DaBen's meditations is not about keeping up with the group or getting the same thing as everybody else is getting, (because everyone will have a completely unique experience as well). It is about opening to the individual opportunities that are the right ones for you.

During each journey DaBen transmits to you
whatever energies are next for you.

Each light body meditation can bring you incredible experiences and life-changing realizations. You will experience exactly what you need to shift into higher consciousness in whatever way is perfect for you. You can experience states of consciousness that are peaceful, flowing, expansive, mystical, and deeply transformative as you participate in DaBen's seminar journeys. Each DaBen meditation offers you an opportunity to experience unique, memorable, and insightful experiences that will expand your consciousness.

DaBen's goal for every seminar is to offer you a significant shift in consciousness that is part of a larger path of reaching new and higher states of consciousness with each course. DaBen's goal for every journey is to offer you an opportunity to have a memorable experience. You can listen again and again, continuing to have peak experiences as you do.

In the upcoming seminars,
DaBen will offer you yet another immense shift in consciousness.

Each seminar is designed to be experienced and enjoyed without needing to complete the previous seminars in the series. However, every light body course you take will enhance your ability to experience what is being taught in the seminars.

As you open to the energies being offered you can shift into as high a space as you are able to experience. DaBen's transmissions will assist you in opening to a vastly expanded perspective of your life from a higher level, often from beyond the earth plane.  In this seminar series, you will reach these higher planes by going through portals, getting to meet and work with some amazing, highly evolved beings as you do.

As a metaphor, you might think of living in one room, where your perspective comes from just that room. Then one day you walk outside the room, and see that room is part of a house, with a whole environment around it. It completely changes your perspective of your room and your life in it. DaBen equates the room to living from an earth plane consciousness.