Personal Power Through Awareness Book
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Series Title: Earth Life Series Book 2
Type: eBook
Journeys By: Orin
Length: 272 pages
Product Number: PPTA
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Kindle / Mobi $9.99
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Announcing Sanaya Roman and Orin's Newly Revised  (Available 6/11/19)


Personal Power Through Awareness Book
A Guidebook for Sensitive People

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Audiobook Notes
Interested in listening to the Audiobook read by Sanaya with energy from Orin 
Go here for more information or to order, and to listen to book excerpts.

You Can Stay in Clear, High Spaces  

You can stay in clear, high spaces by becoming more aware of the energies you live in and around. In the newly revised Personal Power book, Orin's focus is on gaining the personal power that comes from sensing and working with energy. He provides an entirely new section on how to clear energy that may be covering up your inner light with a powerful process you can use to stay in calm, focused states of consciousness, in touch with your higher self, as well as stories and suggestions of how to:

  • Recognize and let go of unwanted thoughts and emotions.
  • Clear for success and best outcomes.
  • Release scarcity thinking, blockages, and stuck places.
  • Clear unwanted memories, regrets, and self-recrimination.
  • Clear your home and objects to open up the energy you live in.
  • Clear after being with people to release energy you may have picked up.
  • Clear your physical body of negative images you may hold of it.
  • Clear the energy around your pets.

Receive Energy and Light from Your Higher Self and Soul

There is much guidance in Orin's Personal Power Through Awareness book to assist you in becoming more aware of your own energy and the subtle, unseen energies you live in and around. Using this guidance, thousands have learned to create immediate and profound changes in their relationships, self-image, and ability to love and be loved; to increase their intuitive and telepathic abilities, and much more! Learn how to:

•  Hear and trust your intuition  •  Connect with your guides and inner teachers  •  Receive higher guidance  •  Change your inner dialogue, love who you are, and express your truth  •  Increase the positive energy around you  •  Evolve your energy broadcast and attract wonderful circumstances to yourself. 

If you previously purchased the Personal Power eBook (not printed book) or the Personal Power Audiobook, after June 11th you will have access to the new eBook and Audiobook in your member's area.


 Enjoy the Process That Follows to Start Sensing and Clearing energy.

Get quiet within, close your eyes, and sense the room you are in. What sounds can you become aware of, if any? Put your attention on your body. Sense anything you can, such as how it feels where your body meets the surface, and the feeling of clothing where any fabric touches you. Feel the air on your skin. Notice any smells or fragrances in the air. Tune into your emotional state right now, and reflect on the various emotions you have felt throughout the day.

Next send your awareness out, detecting the people around you and noting their energy. Become aware of the plants and animals around you, until you have a much broader awareness of the energies you are around. 

Then sense, in whatever way works for you, the subtle energies around you--such as inner light, a sense of loving energy, your guide, and other energies that exist in the unseen realms.

Imagine your inner light is shining out on all the energies about you.  You might sense your inner space growing clearer and more beautiful as you take these first steps in sensing and clearing energy.


product imageListen to Personal Power Introduction 14:04 minutes read by Sanaya
You can stream using the first button.
You can download the audio with the green down arrow.

product imageListen to Personal Power Excerpt: What It Feels Like to Be in a Clear State
4:34 Read by Sanaya    


Expand Your Ability to Develop Your Energy Awareness

product imageOrin's Clearing Energy with Your Divine Self Connect with your Divine Self to clear any energy that veils your inner light, such as fears, emotions, beliefs, thoughts, stories, memories, energy from mass consciousness and other people. Exploring staying in clear states where you can hear your inner guidance and feel more joyful, insightful, inspired, focused, confident, and optimistic. Works well with the Personal Power Through Awareness book and audio courses.

product imageVolume 1 - Sensing Energy (P201)  Contains 8 Orin audio meditations to send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, receive higher guidance, and more, as taught in Orin's Personal Power book.

product imageVolume 2 - Journey Into Light, Going Higher, (P202) Contains 8 Orin audio meditations to continue to develop your intuitive and psychic abilities. Connect with your soul and guides for higher guidance. Explore changing your energy broadcast and your inner dialogue to feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive and more, as taught in Orin's Personal Power book.


product imageThe Awakening Your Light Body courses offer a unique path of spiritual awakening through progressive, experiential expansions of consciousness that assist you in directly knowing the truth of your being. Work with the Awakening Your Light Body course to increase your ability to sense and work with energy and light. In DaBen and Orin's Awakening Your Light Body course, you will activate various energy centers (not chakras) that allow you to become increasingly aware of the subtle energies and how to work with them to transform your life and consciousness.

Books by Sanaya Roman

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Orin's Living with Joy Book Excerpt
Orin's Personal Power Through Awareness Book Excerpt
Orin's Spiritual Growth Book Excerpt
Orin's Soul Love Book Excerpt

Books by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

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Orin and DaBen's Creating Money: Attracting Abundance Book Excerpt
Orin and DaBen's Opening to Channel Book Excerpts

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