Birthing a New You February 11, 2022
By T. S. (Great Britain)
I was hesitant as to whether or not i should make the financial investment into your birthing a new You course. i knew the meditations would be legit as i listened to the free one you provide and I’m really happy i decided to purchase Birthing a new you. In the first meditation i established a pillar of light and a connection to my divine self so powerful that i cried even writing these words I’m tearing up. I now feel i am making big spiritual growth and transformation coming into union with my divine self. In the final meditation was the most powerful connection I’ve felt with my divine self truly being birthed within me. These guided meditations are amazing your voice is soft and soothing and the background music is perfect. I’m really excited to continue with the other courses in the transcending your ego series as i literally transcend the ego what an amazing journey this is, Thank you for your guidance i am truly grateful.
Divine love and light,
T. S.
Profound January 19, 2020
By E. S. (FL)
I've studied the Orin material for over 30 years and was able to evolve with each new course and book released.
Several years back I got the Clearing Energy with the Divine Self and that really began my exploration of transcending my ego. After that I did other Divine Self courses until I was ready and and committed to do this wonderful Transcending Your Ego course.
I've now gone through it three times in the last 90 days. It was profound. I learned many new things while building upon the skills gained from the other Divine Self courses. It forced me to face my blind spots and unconscious material in a safe and loving environment. I was able to look at my shadow while lovingly supported my Orin, guides, masters and Great Ones.
Sometimes the meditations took me to another dimension, at other times they activated learning experiences in my life that were giving me material to practice with in the meditations. The Emotions course was the most challenging and most rewarding. The Desire body section was fascinating new material that moved me forward past old habits.
All I can say is thank you for this wonderful meditations. I am doing in one life what was taking me lifetimes to achieve - enlightenment. The reality around me has changed in massive positive ways.
Feels like coming home December 8, 2019
By A. T. (Netherlands)
Blessings and greetings! A friend gifted me meditations and the transforming with Divine Light course plus Soul Awakening, and the Millenium series. The timing was perfect! Wow!
I wish to offer my deepest gratitude, I feel like coming home, the light inside me is growing again. I was a bit lost on the path, confused by the density of this planet and trapped in the drama. While I never forgot who I really am, I did forget how to align with light and love and joy. And I am so grateful I found you. This work is amazing and this morning I was really radiating, people who usually look sad smiled at me (strangers) and I felt illuminated and so peaceful and joyful.
And yes, I've got a road ahead of me, a wonderful journey, I'm so happy I found the way home again, thank you so much!
This really feels authentic, which doesn't happen often, but Orin and Daben are, Sanaya and Duane: Thank you for all that you do on their behalf!
Sending you much Love & Light from the Netherlands!
In gratitude,
DS101 July 1, 2016
By J. F. (Australia)
I have completed the Part 1 of the Transcending Your Ego course, and that was Amazing!!!, and currently in the process of syncing the 12 tracks, of part 5 just ordered to my i-pod, I l've listened to the 1st track, Breaking Into A New Consciousness and that in itself felt so transformative, and freeing, so who like what I'll be like when I finish all 12 tracks, and intend in time to purchase all the other parts too. Please pass on my complimentary comments to Sanaya, In 25 years of listening to guided meditations, this is the best work I have come across.
Love this work! June 1, 2016
By R. A. (FL)
I love this work with Divine Will and Divine Self.
Shifting June 1, 2016
By R. A. (FL)
I've begun feeling a shift - channeling easily, then very recently feeling myself go into deeper trance state while listening to Divine Self journeys, then finally connecting with words, like channeling, except as the Divine Self.
Birthing a New You Review October 5, 2014
By D. A. (CA)
I ordered the first 2 CD sets in this series of 6 albums altogether. I am most thankful I did! I have only listened to the first 5 CD's of the first set (each set has about 6 CD's) and I am already transforming on the deepest levels. I grew up in a very stressful, conflicted home and now, as an adult, I have carried that energy with me. I am nearly 50 years old now and it's about time I started to live my life MY way, not the old dysfunctional way. I am noticing that I am now much calmer, have much more peace, and, for the first time, feel safe. This series has been deeply transformative for me so far, and I have only just started! I know the Divine guided me to this set, and I am eternally grateful. Thank you so much Orin and Sanaya.
Amazing Shifts January 7, 2014
By S. C. (CA)
I've been really enjoying my journey through the Transcending Your Ego series, but the Illuminating Your Mind course has been the most amazing yet! I didn't realize how many thoughts I have had going through my mind over and over and how my focus on them has really distracted me from hearing my Divine Self and Soul.
I feel so much clearer now. My mind is quieter and I can feel my guidance. I'm not as quick to judge or to see things as automatically negative. I feel profoundly transformed, and I am so grateful to Sanaya and Orin for this amazing course.
Transcending Your Ego, Divine Will December 4, 2011
By N. G. (Italy)
I had some great sensations working with these courses. In particular in this period of my growth, I'm feeling new ones! I feel as my body has many new ways of receiving information, from different centers, and I feel the point from where the information is coming from, so I feel less confusion. In the past, I felt something strange in the sense that when I would think of anything I would like, I felt that my energy was 'not going to work in an illusion place'...I now feel it is going to a conscious kind of place....while before I thought I was 'just thinking'..I'm still evaluating this new direction. This kind of direction was before just frustrating for me because I thought I was just thinking with my imagination! Now I believe that this is my way to expand my power and my thoughts create my reality! Sometimes I feel as inside my body there is something 'old that breaks' and goes away as the 'hew' comes in. Very special these results for me!
Amazing programs! November 27, 2011
By O. R. (Mexico)
I started listening to these journeys last December (2010) when I was feeling very depressed and thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend.
The journeys helped me to have what I wanted all the time, only I was not aware that I wanted the feeling of being safe from my divine self (not from my boyfriend marrying me).
I let go of the needs with the journeys and I stopped feeling depressed and feeling more like I was the happiest woman on earth and everything in my relationship got better.
One year after that I am still meditating with these journeys and feeling more connected with the real source of my happiness and my abundance.
And we decided to spend our lives together for the rest of our lives and are also planning for a baby.
Thank you Sanaya and Orin
When I Birthed a New Me September 11, 2011
By Y. S. (Japan)
I have been studying Orin's "Divine Will" series for a year. Now I work with part 2 "Living a Soul Life with Divine Will" course . During this course, I was studying "Becoming Your Divine Self (part 1): Knowing Your True Identity", too. When I finished this course last week, I was going to start part 2 of this course. But before that, I had a strong feeling that I wanted working "Transcending Your Ego" course. Actually I did not study this course yet. So, I decided to follow my inner guidance ( I think this is from my Divine Self) , and I downloaded "Transcending Your Ego: Birthing a New You", and listened program 1 yesterday. As there were some parts I did not understand, I read it's transcript. Then, I noticed that tears came to my eyes. And I felt my Divine Self, I felt big love, peace of mind. I suddenly knew that my spiritual journey to here was not wrong, all I have done was perfect.
I felt that my next level of journey just started now. I can imagine the journey will be full of love, peace and joy. I really appreciate my Divine Self doing this to me.
Thank you Orin, Sanaya, LuminEssence for giving me a big big support !
I have the most amazing life now! June 9, 2011
By E. S. (Germany)
I have the audio course Divine Manifesting, which is absolutely fantastic. I studied it together with the course Transcending Your Ego, and the most amazing life manifested for me! I listen to the guided meditations each day and my life just keeps effortlessly bringing me wonderful experiences. I am now listening to the opening to channel audio course, after reading the book last year. I've contacted my Spirit guide already but am a little shy about verbally channeling,and often get in a jam with the recording equipment, so I write the messages down which seems to be working just as well. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you Sanaya, Duane, Orin and DaBen for guiding me to change my life so fabulously and easily.
This course has given me clarity June 2, 2011
By L. R. (CA)
The Becoming Your Divine Self Series, working with desire, has given me a new empowerment. I have always been a passionate person. And one who has wanted to be in connection with my purpose and many others at all times. This is no small task. This course has given me clarity on how to start distinguishing which energies support the overall purpose. I have new clarity to go on building and connecting with self, others, and life, from a higher calling and not getting confused by the strong currents of energy consuming personality desires. And I feel a new sense of freedom around distinguishing from a clear loving space and can better navigate. I found myself sensing a higher level of seeing and feeling and trusting in that clarity.
Honoured and Grateful May 25, 2011
By G. W. (Great Britain)
I've been following Orin's meditation journeys for 12 years and found the teaching gentle and subtle yet deeply transformative. I feel honored and grateful that Life led me to Orin's and Sanaya's guidance. The change in myself has been substantial and lasting.
The journeys have followed the energetic patterns unfolding over the years and the two latest series, 'Transcending Your Ego' and 'Becoming your Divine Self' provide an excellent way to utilize the unique potential of present time.
Birthing A New You April 26, 2011
By M. F. (MA)
The most amazing effect of "evolving my desire body" is that there are no more empty holes gnawing away at me to be "filled." I had no idea how much those old desires had distracted me and kept me from being completely Present.
Thank you Orin, and thank you Sanaya for givings us these wonderful courses. Yours truly. And btw, since I am 71, I can assure you that it is never too late!
Thank you March 23, 2011
By L. O. (CA)
I started to study "Transcending Your Ego", while I was already well on my way of studying the "Awakening Your Light Body" course. It was at that time that I became aware of my Divine Self as a constant presence and guidance. It was very tiring for me in the beginning because I had to make a conscious effort to pay attention to the guidance instead of picking the automatic pilot (at least right now I am able to describe in words what was happening at the time). For some reason I pushed through being tired until one day I realized that I just am that way, a constant combination of automatic pilot and Divine consciousness and that I have a choice in each and every moment what to choose. In time the automatic pilot choices became "softer" and the tiredness subsided and I did not have to struggle with my choices anymore. I was at a point where my Divine consciousness "would allow" me to really reflect on what my choice was in the moment and show me that what I "thought" at the time as being "bad/unwanted" it was another form of "yes/good" that I did not consider before. If this seems unclear, it just is. This is where I am today, and any time I try to use words to describe what is happening, a part of what I "know" it is happening gets lost translated into words. The above process is helping me for more than six months now through my divorce. I don't know what I would have done if Sanaya (Orin) and Duane (DaBen) would have not been my constant companions through "Transcending Your Ego" and "Awakening Your Light Body" journeys, because the automatic pilot wanted me to give up almost in each and every moment. I have to mention that for the past three years I read all your books and I journeyed and meditated through many of the courses offered through this site. Thank you for your guidance and Light.
the most powerful and transformative class to date March 17, 2011
By E. D. (GA)
Dear Sanaya, I just want to express my appreciation to you and Orin for the wonderful "Transcending Your Ego" series. Thank you a thousand times over for this amazing course! As a long-time student of your work (since Living With Joy was published) who has completed many of your classes, I can tell you that this is (for me) the most powerful and transformative class to date. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to work with this material. I am currently working on #4--Illuminating Your Mind. My Divine Self has been awakening me at 4:18 almost every morning (yes--not 4:15 or even 4:16) to do one or two of the processes and it is a fantastic way to begin each day! Then I do my best to put into practice what I am learning throughout the day--some days more effectively than others!
Many blessings to you, Sanaya, for sharing your clarity and radiance so freely with your many students.
Transforming your emotions March 11, 2011
By D. B. (Australia)
It is 4am here in Australia and I have just finished listening to the 6th CD, WOW …..words cannot explain what amazing insights have come to me from this course, very emotional to experience such enormous shifts. I thought I had listened to Orin's best in past courses, then this comes along, thank you so much Orin and Sanaya for helping so many with your wonderful work. Love to you all
I love the Becoming Your Divine Self Series. March 8, 2011
By V. M. (New Zealand)
After being through the Christchurch earthquake many emotions and thoughts have come to surface and through doing the Divine Self and Transcending Your Ego series I have been able to clear and release them leaving me peaceful, centered and in the flow. I feel grateful to have been guided to Orin and DaBen's courses as they have given me the tools to deal with life's many challenges in a positive way whilst seeing how circumstances effect and impact upon others. I can then be more supportive to others through coming from a stable base.
I daily use the Clearing Energy for the Day Ahead and Clearing Energy Before Bed as it leaves me feeling revitalized and ready for the day and the other helps release any negativity or thoughts so I can have a more restful sleep. And importantly, with a young family I need something that can fit in with my lifestyle and which gives me results.
I would say the most important things I have done in my life have been the Awakening Your Light Body, Becoming Your Divine Self, Transcending Your Ego, Divine Will and having kids so far to date. They have given me the most growth and learning and helped me become more of my true self even during unstable outer circumstances.
I hope that sharing my experiences will help others in their choice when considering their next step.
With much love.
Amazing Journey February 26, 2011
By L. D. (WA)
I have taken a number of the Orin/DaBen courses. I have found all of them to be excellent for assisting me in my spiritual growth. Since each person has his or her own individual path to follow, the particular course that may be best for them at any given point in time, will vary, depending upon where they presently are on that path, what they have already been exposed to in the past, and what their current intent or desire may be.
However, having made that very important distinction, for me personally, there were three courses in particular, that were most beneficial for my spiritual growth, given where I am on my present journey. These courses included the "Transcending Your Ego" series, the "Becoming Your Divine Self" series, and the "Awakening Your Light Body" series.
I am very consciously aware that I am on a relatively highly accelerated spiritual path. I have been following my intuition with respect to my lessons, and the pace of those lessons. I have not taken any of these courses at the "recommended" pace. I recognize that rapidly churning through one's "spiritual lessons", can often result in emotional, intellectual, and experiential turbulence, but I fully accept that responsibility.
When you finally begin to realize that you really do create your own reality, and that the external world is nothing more than a mere mirror or a reflection of your own thoughts, then contending with the turbulence, gets easier and easier. As the integration of the personality self with the Divine self gets under way, pain is gradually replaced with joy, bit by bit, as that progression occurs. Rapid spiritual growth compresses life events and lessons into a narrower band of linear time, thus making correlations of synchronistic events, inspirations, and insights, easier to recognize, and also easier to tie into the broader big picture.
I first became conscious of my accelerated spiritual path about three years ago. Prior to that time, I was largely "unconscious", although I can see that my lifetime events were leading me to the place where I am today. There is something very thrilling about such a realization. Following my awakening, I passionately followed an aggressive spiritual growth path.
During the earlier part of that three year period, I had worked with many other teachers. Over the past year and a half, I started studying some of the Orin courses on CD format. More recently, I started with the Orin and DaBen courses that I have enjoyed the most, and have discussed in this review.
After completing each course, I went back and reviewed them all, several times. Each time, I was blessed with new revelations, insights, and the recognition of the synchronistic events that lead to each.
At some point, I made a most amazing discovery. It was after I was about half way through the Light Body coursework. I discovered that when I combined a Light Body exercise with a Divine Self exercise shortly thereafter, that there was a synchronistic effect that was utterly mind blowing! This magnified several times over, the effect of both the Light Body course, and the Divine self course exercises. My most profound revelations followed from this, and they were so powerful, that they always brought me to tears the instant that they entered my consciousness.
I ceased asking myself how can I become a master, for it no longer seemed to be a relevant question. I came to sense that the more accurate question to ponder, was how long would it take for me to remember that I already was a master.
they have been a real turning point for me December 1, 2010
By W. I. (New Zealand)
I’ve really benefited from the Transcending Your Ego courses, and the Becoming Your Divine Self courses, and they have been a real turning point for me.
Most days I listen to one or two journeys from the volume on Clearing Energies with Your Divine Self, and it really helps to pull me out of what is going on around me.
This is the best thing I have ever done November 18, 2010
By M. L. (Canada)
I just love the the latest Transcending Your Ego course. This is the best thing I have ever done for my growth and well being. I feel so blessed and enjoy listening to them very often. Your work is just amazing.
New Vistas November 4, 2010
By M. T. (HI)
Working with Orin's Transcending Your Ego series has enriched my life in so many ways.
A single example of many shifts: After putting my dad into a nursing home and helping my mother move into a new home my family experienced much emotional distress. Through my work with this course, I was able to open to the understanding that I was expressing old family patterns that were not serving any of us. My deepest anxieties melted away and my heart opened to compassion for myself and all my family members. The journeys are imminently practical in helping me create a more peaceful creative, joyful life. Thank you Sanaya and Orin for bringing this powerful work to humanity.
Transcending Ego Parts 1-6 November 1, 2010
By J. L. (NM)
This course was truly wonderful. I began a new relationship about 5 months ago. It's the first serious relationship since my husband passed away 3 years ago. Taking this class at the same time helped me tremendously. I noticed my ego created all sorts of stories (lies) about this person and fortunately I wouldn't act on the stories. I used Orin's suggestion to drop the situation into the Divine Self rather than acting from the ego. Every time my ego came up with a story I would stop and place the situation into the Divine Self and always the situation would dissolve. I would talk to him or see him later on and everything would be fine. The ego was always wrong. I have been able to build a wonderful new relationship based on joy, love and friendship w/out all the drama that the ego loves to create. Thank you Orin and Sanaya
What to say.... October 16, 2010
By I. T. (Canada)
I have just finished this CD, and I am undoubtedly going to complete the whole 6 courses. Yet, not even having finished the whole 6, the experiences I have had throughout these journeys were and are phenomenal. To be able to gradually transform, so smoothly, so easily, so effortlessly; all I do, is just sit in my room, silent within myself, and become sensitive to the divine within me… that’s all I do; I just listen and follow Orin’s guidance… that’s all, so simple, yet what I get in return, by and by, as the weeks go by, is a gradual dissolving of all those stuff which are not of my true nature. All those picked up habits, qualities, fears, thoughts, memories, beliefs, etc; all those baggage’s picked up throughout the lifecourse, by and by are dissolved.
Through DaBen and Orin I have had indescribable and unimaginable mystical states; a peace that passes all understanding, to soft kindness and compassion, all the way to melting into the cosmos and for a short while no longer being, no longer having a container (an ego, or even a personal consciousness). Yet, what to me is the truest jewel of all these more refined and elevated mystical experiences, is the transformation that takes place. To be able to be in the everyday world (for me it is often the university setting) and realize that your ways of being has shifted, that for me is phenomenal. How you react is no longer as intense as it was, you have more freedom to respond, to choose. I can be present now with far less anxiety and insecurity. I can be in the everyday, whole being aware of my intuition and thus being more centered than ever before.
It phenomenal stuff; just phenomenal.
wonderful series September 27, 2010
By T. M. (Australia)
2010=I first read Spiritual Growth 9 years ago and then read all the others. It is interesting how we are guided to that which we need at the time. In my practice, I work with people to identify and bring awareness to outdated beliefs as well as working on my own beliefs and transcending the ego. I was lead back to your site and was excited to see the transcending your ego series (mind you the ego wasn't as excited) I sat with it for a couple of hours to and froing "do I buy part 1 and then part 2 etc or buy all together?".. I went with the series and after I heard it I was very excited as it was exactly what I needed and fit into what was going to take me to the next levels of my growth. I do follow my guidance on which meditation to listen to and this has worked well for me. So I thank you for this wonderful series. Love and light.
results are amazing July 19, 2010
By G. D. (Belgium)
The Transcending Your Ego series are marvelous and evoking big shifts for me. Finally I get to understand how to live a happy and meaningful life, based on and connected with my simple and true Self. It was a rough ride doing the being born again and Transforming Your Emotions, but the results are amazing.
Before this series, I never had such a constant uplifted mood June 8, 2010
By J. G. (NY)
The Transforming Your Ego series has helped me to change many patterns. Not completely, yet, but I am a much happier person in my life and seeing it spill out in my everyday life to others in and out of my office, well, is amazing. I am taking my time working with the Transcending the Ego series since I'm only on my third volume since beginning sometime this past January 2010. I cannot begin to express my Gratitude to Orin for creating this series. The immense reaction to people experiencing my presence is a great accomplishment for me. I awake each day looking forward to my work in the office which can be a bit stressful being a phone operator for tech support & a receptionist. The turnaround from their clients who I now joke with and receive favorable comments as well as my co-workers. One of the wives of the bosses wants to know what pill I take to be in such a great mood, smiling and just being so upbeat. Before this series, I never had such a constant uplifted mood and it takes just moments to uplift them if they should dip down to an uncomfortable level. Thank you most gracious being - Orin.
Transcending your ego.. May 28, 2010
By K. L. (NY)
I just completed all six parts of the Transcending Your Ego course done over a course of 8 months...It felt as if I've just gone through a rebirthing experience...powerful..there were many challenging moments when the ego me facing its many deaths. It work is truly transformative.... thanks again for offering this work..
Love& blessings
a gradual shift in perspective and identity seems to be occurring naturally April 26, 2010
By M. L. (Canada)
We are working with the 1st of the Transcending Your Ego series, Birthing A New You, and a gradual shift in perspective and identity seems to be occurring naturally. This work is exactly aligned with our innermost intention, and we so appreciate this wonderful guidance on the journey, and all the help since 1989. In Love and Light
truly magical April 15, 2010
By J. S. (Canada)
I've been listening to Orin's course for the second time. They are incredibly beautiful, very profound and delightful. All that I had been focusing on was manifesting since the last seminar was given to me in these courses and so much more....way beyond my expectations! So it has been a wonderful, joyful and exhilarating experience.
I've experienced spontaneous moments of such joy at being alive and for no apparent reason. After some of these journeys I felt energized. I'm able to sustain that wonderful feeling of peace or return to it much more quickly if I loose it. For quite some time I have desired more awareness of that divine presence on an ongoing basis and now that has increased and it comes so easily and effortlessly. Things,events or thoughts come to me when I need them and I could go on and on!!! It's truly magical.
A guide to deep realizations and change March 11, 2010
By Y. Z. (Israel)
Been on the path for many years and have taken many courses including here with Orin and Daben. This course though has enabled me to go deeper and reach parts of myself, that are or maybe were less open for healing and transformation and ease them into the shift too.
I have been working with the course for two months now and now I wake up each morning feeling that a wonderful important work has happened during the night. The journeys and meditations are amazing and expansive, after two months of work I feel the long term changes, so I feel one should not mistake the joy of taking the course with the changes that are going to come, and they do!
Birthing a New You February 12, 2010
By Z. R. (PR)
Thanks for all this beautiful energy and new consciousness after working for 3 years with Manifestation and the Divine Self, it is so powerful to work with these meditations. I feel more present in the moment, more alert, fearlessness, more joy love and freedom. I am working with the freedom energy, my boss says I am a leader, my clients say I look more younger and beautiful, I am working with the beauty essence too. I am very grateful to you that make possible this energy in our Planet to all of you that dedicate your days to give us this great gift, BLESSINGS LIGHT and LOVE TO ALL OF YOU THANKS THANKS AND LOVE!!!