
I have begun to channel     February 12, 2014
By C. B.  (CA)
I have, with the help and guidance of this book and the Channeling courses, begun to channel my Guide. What an amazing experience and opening to new beginnings! And also, so familiar, so connected to my past, to my future, to my very being. It is like coming home. It is coming home.

I am so grateful for you and your role in my spiritual awakening. Thank you, so very much, for the gifts of light that you are giving me! Blessings to you!

Connecting with your guide audio course C101     April 19, 2013
By S. E.  (MO)
After reading the Opening to Channel book (took about 2 days in my spare time) I ordered the audio course to help walk me through meeting my guide. It went really well! I did meet a high level guide that wants to be identified as a female entity and her name is Nabula. As a retired machinist details are important to me, so after I connected with her I ask a friend of mine who is a psychic to verify it for me. My psychic friend told me that I was correct her name is Nabula and that she says that your attraction to her and contacting her was due to the fact that you have unresolved issues that need healed emotionally, from your past. Closure. Both from childhood, and also a female who scorned you. She wants you to create healing and start the healing process not to necessarily forgive those involved, but more than that, to not let yourself feel victimized any longer or allow past experiences to dictate things around you or define you in any way/shape/or form. She is very free spirited so artistic pursuits, music, art, literature etc are all ways to get closer but the major things are figuring out what hurtful things you may still be attached to and starting the process of healing within as that will draw her closer so that she can help you with more matters. So, am I happy with this course? Yes I am. Thanks so much for an easy to understand book and audio course and thanks too to Orin and DaBen for their help.

channeling     March 10, 2012
By B. S.  (MI)
I'm a newbie!! But I have found I am at home finally, someone understands and put it simply enough so I can to this. I just order my channeling CD. You're awesome!! Thanks to my friends; they told me about this! awesome awesome awesome!! Oh yea thanks to you Orin and DaBen for doing them also!! I could never forget you guys!! Many blessings!!

Thank you     December 29, 2010
By A. S.  (ID)
The Opening to Channel book and audio courses are wonderful! I am continuing to study them. The book is well written and easy to understand and the audio programs are of excellent quality. While all of Thadeus' music is good, the Spiritual Sun CD is spectacular! It just sends me off into high vibration every time I listen!! Thank you so much for your work! I hope to continue with the Light Body work and attend some of your seminars soon!

Fantastic     August 25, 2010
By A. W.  (CA)
My journey into discovering more of who I was began many years ago. Like so many, I found myself searching and searching; never quite realizing that there were parts of me that were resistant to healing and moving forward. It wasn’t until I said, “No more!” that I noticed profound shifts in my spiritual awareness. I’ve purchased numerous Orin meditations, and what I discovered was if I listened to my inner guidance, the best meditation for me to work with, at that time, would offer the greatest growth. Well, needless to say, 26 meditations later, it has become a bit “difficult” to pinpoint my absolute favorite.

Being a Reiki Master, I have found tremendous peace and felt unconditional love while meditating with Orin’s For Self-Employed People & Public Recognition meditations. I’ve also had the same profound experiences with Attracting Your Twin Flame, Being Your Higher Self, and Getting In Touch with Your Power.

I recently purchased the Opening to Channel course because I work best when I’m being verbally guided. Although, the book is equally fantastic! I bought this course because I know that channeling will play an integral part in my life purpose, and no better person to help me with this than Sanaya/Orin!

I highly recommend anything has to offer.

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After reading your book I felt I needed more help bringing in my guide, so I got your channeling tapes. They were marvelous and I now channel a wonderful guide who has changed my life.

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Your channeling tapes taught me to channel. I have shared them with friends as well. They were easy to use and I could feel Orin and DaBen guiding me as I met my guide. Thank you!

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I couldn't believe how easy it was to connect with my guide using your book and tape set. Now I am giving readings to all of my friends.

I was surprised how easy it was    
By M. H.  (Australia)
I've just completed the first audio course and will be moving on to the Intermediate and Advanced audios in the next week. I also purchased the book as the audio suggests reading the first 5 chapters before starting the channeling process. I was amazed at how easy it was. I zipped through the exercises, received my Guide's name and before I knew it my mouth started whispering messages. I seem to be able to write the messages quite easily but my Guide recommended I write and speak to develop 'my voice.' A few friends have asked me questions and I have sent them a written response and I have received feedback that the message was right on track and in addition to general messages there were specifics they could also action. For some reason I am shy to speak in front of others, which is odd, because I'm a public speaker.... I look forward to developing my skills and thank you for your resource.

Great Help    
By R. W.  (NJ)
I am 72 years old (2007) and last Sept. a friend loaned me the "Opening to Channel" book and then the audio. After the first 10 meditations I began channeling, was told I didn't need the rest, and have been channeling successfully every since. So I'm sold!! I'm recommending your meditation tapes to my daughter who is having trouble getting started. Just wish I'd been younger when this all happened, but better late than never. The channeling has been a great help to family and friends so far, but I'm still feeling my way and learning new things to ask.