All Sections --> Light Body Celebrations of Radiance (LB914-LB916) | |
These 3 courses by DaBen and Orin will assist you in coming into alignment with your Divine Purpose as you listen to the guided journeys. This series of light body courses sets a foundation for you to live in purpose, a state from which all else flows and allows you to be on an upward spiral in every area of your life. Read more about these Celebration of Radiance courses and how to Ride the Upward Spiral. This series teaches you frequencies and self-exciting light body skills as well as other light body skills. These courses are part of the Self-Exciting and Frequencies level courses. Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer. ![]() There are five levels of the light body taught by Duane and DaBen so far. (These are not the same as the 5 Light Body Consciousness levels) Level 1: The basic Awakening Your Light Body six-volume course. This is required before moving to the next levels. | |
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Peace: Part 1 Living Your Life Purpose LB914 Type: Audio Course By: DaBen and Orin Download, PDF Explore the “peace of purpose” light body state, based on Self-Exciting, where you are able to be aware of the energy of your life purpose in the each moment. With this awareness you can feel great peace, for you are a part of, and in harmony with, the energies around you. Explore your life purpose, your reason for being alive. Recognize and increase activities that are in alignment with your purpose, and release any that are not. More... | |
Higher Will: Part 2 Manifesting With Ease LB915 Type: Audio Course By: DaBen and Orin Download, PDF Manifest with ease as you learn Self-Exciting skills to join the oneness and solidify your connection to all life, to all levels of your being, to the plan of humanity, and to your own aliveness. There is no forcing, efforting, pushing, or resistance to doing those things that are your higher purpose. With this, synchronicity happens. You are in the right place at the right time. You are magnetic to your higher good. Take an evolutionary leap into a new way of creating the life you want. More... | |
Joy: Part 3 Expressing Beauty and Perfection of Being LB916 Type: Audio Course By: DaBen and Orin Download, PDF You will learn Self-Exciting skills to go into the void and re-emerge with higher energy patterns. You can grow through joy and experience ordinary reality as wonderful, flowing, and as beautiful as the light body spaces. No matter what is happening you can love yourself and be at peace with your life and challenges. Add light to your aura and explore four possible paths of soul unfoldment. More... | |
Light Evolutions
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB506E $375 Part 1 9 December 2022. Part 2 6 January 2023, Part 3 3 February 2023, Part 4 3 March 2023 Prerequisite October 2022 Main Seminar Register or read more
Enhancing Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Exciting New Mini-seminar Series - Evolving Awakening Light Body Consciousness Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB141E $375 Part 1 16 December 2022, Part 2 13 January 2023, Part 3 10 February 2023, Part 4 10 March 2023 Register or read more
Being, Being Light
Main Seminar, First of Two in a New Series - Being Light Three days, more than 25 DaBen journeys LB985E $575 21 through 23 April 2023 Register or read more
Depth of Being
Two-Day Light Play Seminar Series - Being of Light following the Main Seminar Two days, more than 18 DaBen journeys LB721E $375 25 through 26 April 2023 Register or read more
Your Light Consciousness
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB507E $375 Four months between May and September 2023, to be announced Prerequisite April 2023 Main Seminar Register or read more
Expanding Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Mini-seminar Series - Evolving Awakening Light Body Consciousness Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB142E $375 Four months between May and September 2023, to be announced Register or read more
Being Your Unique Light
Main Seminar, Second of Two in a New Series - Being Light Three days, more than 25 DaBen journeys LB986E $575 20 through 22 October 2023 Register or read more
Weaving Consciousness Expressions
Two-Day Light Play Seminar Series - Being of Light following the Main Seminar Two days, more than 18 DaBen journeys LB722E $375 24 through 25 October 2023 Register or read more Choosing Light
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys LB508E $375 Four months between November 2023 and March 2024, to be announced Prerequisite October 2023 Main Seminar Register or read more Prerequisites for all light body graduate seminars: You need to have completed DaBen's Awakening Your Light Body six-volume course or have taken it with a teacher to enroll in any of the graduate light body courses above.
To participate in the two-day Light Play seminars, you will need to have taken the Main Seminar as a prerequisite, as the Light Play seminars build on what was taught in the three-day (Friday through Sunday) Main seminars.
There will be four mini-seminars (Fridays, 9AM-12PM PST) offered in-between the April and October seminars for graduates of the Main seminars. What preparation do you need to get the most out of DaBen's seminars?
You can have wonderful, expansive, and breakthrough experiences at all levels of study as you get into the energy spaces DaBen is transmitting. Success with DaBen's meditations is not about keeping up with the group or getting the same thing as everybody else is getting, (because everyone will have a completely unique experience as well). It is about opening to the individual opportunities that are the right ones for you. During each journey DaBen transmits to you
whatever energies are next for you. Each light body meditation can bring you incredible experiences and life-changing realizations. You will experience exactly what you need to shift into higher consciousness in whatever way is perfect for you. You can experience states of consciousness that are peaceful, flowing, expansive, mystical, and deeply transformative as you participate in DaBen's seminar journeys. Each DaBen meditation offers you an opportunity to experience unique, memorable, and insightful experiences that will expand your consciousness.
DaBen's goal for every seminar is to offer you a significant shift in consciousness that is part of a larger path of reaching new and higher states of consciousness with each course. DaBen's goal for every journey is to offer you an opportunity to have a memorable experience. You can listen again and again, continuing to have peak experiences as you do.
In the upcoming seminars,
DaBen will offer you yet another immense shift in consciousness. Each seminar is designed to be experienced and enjoyed without needing to complete the previous seminars in the series. However, every light body course you take will enhance your ability to experience what is being taught in the seminars.
As you open to the energies being offered you can shift into as high a space as you are able to experience. DaBen's transmissions will assist you in opening to a vastly expanded perspective of your life from a higher level, often from beyond the earth plane. In this seminar series, you will reach these higher planes by going through portals, getting to meet and work with some amazing, highly evolved beings as you do.
As a metaphor, you might think of living in one room, where your perspective comes from just that room. Then one day you walk outside the room, and see that room is part of a house, with a whole environment around it. It completely changes your perspective of your room and your life in it. DaBen equates the room to living from an earth plane consciousness.