Type: Audio Course
Journeys By: Read by Sanaya Roman
Contains: Unabridged audio version of revised eBook
Music by: No music
Length: Approximately 11 hours
MP3 - 128kbs. Download after purchase by going to the "My Downloads and Seminars" in the members area. There is no limit to how many times you can download.
Unabridged audio version of revised BookProduct Number: PPTAE
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Personal Power Through Awareness Audiobook
Read by Sanaya Roman
Go here to order the Personal Power printed or eBook
A Guidebook for Sensitive People
Recognize and let go of unwanted thoughts and emotions.
Clear for success and best outcomes.
Release scarcity thinking, blockages, and stuck places.
Clear unwanted memories, regrets, and self-recrimination.
Clear your home and objects to open up the energy you live in.
Clear after being with people to release energy you may have picked up.
Clear your physical body of negative images you may hold of it.
Clear the energy around your pets.

Receive Energy and Light from Your Higher Self and Soul
There is much guidance in Orin's Personal Power Through Awareness audiobook to assist you in becoming more aware of your own energy and the subtle, unseen energies you live in and around. Using this guidance, thousands have learned to create immediate and profound changes in their relationships, self-image, and ability to love and be loved; to increase their intuitive and telepathic abilities, and much more! Learn how to:
• Hear and trust your intuition • Connect with your guides and inner teachers • Receive higher guidance • Change your inner dialogue, love who you are, and express your truth • Increase the positive energy around you • Evolve your energy broadcast and attract wonderful circumstances to yourself.
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Orin's Clearing Energy with Your Divine Self Connect with your Divine Self to clear any energy that veils your inner light, such as fears, emotions, beliefs, thoughts, stories, memories, energy from mass consciousness and other people. Exploring staying in clear states where you can hear your inner guidance and feel more joyful, insightful, inspired, focused, confident, and optimistic. Works well with the Personal Power Through Awareness audiobook and audio courses.
Volume 1 - Sensing Energy (P201) Contains 8 Orin audio meditations to send and receive telepathic messages, increase your intuitive abilities, stay centered, receive higher guidance, and more, as taught in Orin's Personal Power book.
Volume 2 - Journey Into Light, Going Higher, (P202) Contains 8 Orin audio meditations to continue to develop your intuitive and psychic abilities. Connect with your soul and guides for higher guidance. Explore changing your energy broadcast and your inner dialogue to feel more loving, calm, focused, and positive and more, as taught in Orin's Personal Power book.
The Awakening Your Light Body courses offer a unique path of spiritual awakening through progressive, experiential expansions of consciousness that assist you in directly knowing the truth of your being. Work with the Awakening Your Light Body course to increase your ability to sense and work with energy and light. In DaBen and Orin's Awakening Your Light Body course, you will activate various energy centers (not chakras) that allow you to become increasingly aware of the subtle energies and how to work with them to transform your life and consciousness.
Audiobooks below are ready by Sanaya, transmitting Orin's energy as you listen.
Listen to a sample chapter for free:
Creating Money Audiobook, Attracting Abundance, Chapter Read by Sanaya here.
Living with Joy Audiobook, Chapter Read by Sanaya here.
Personal Power Through Awareness Audiobook, Chapter Read by Sanaya here.
Spiritual Growth Audiobook, Chapter Read by Sanaya here.
Opening to Channel, Audiobook, Chapter Read by Sanaya here.
Soul Love Audiobook, Chapter Read by Sanaya here.