Being Luminous Light Part 1
Duane and DaBen's Live Graduate Light Body Course
Know Yourself as a Vast Consciousness and
Explore the Power to Manifest That This Awareness Brings
Enjoy incredible inner experiences in the BEING spaces.
Receive on-going transmissions of light
Individually for you from
DaBen and many beings of light to assist you opening to these vast spaces.
Prerequisites To understand DaBen's instructions and experience the wonderful expanded states of consciousness he offers, you need to be an Awakening Your Light Body graduate with knowledge of the 7 vibrational energy and 3 light body centers as taught by DaBen through Duane Packer.
DaBen and DaBen: In this first course of the Being Luminous Light Series, you will explore the state of “Being.” You will go more deeply than ever into knowing and being who you really are, being all that you are, using luminous light to open the way.

Your first level of experience comes from being an individual, but you are
in consciousness, are
of consciousness, and you have the full power of that consciousness available to you. In the
Being course you will explore having and noticing all of the power that is there, that is a part of your beingness, and finding expressions for that power in appropriate energy-level ways.
Explore your power at these higher levels to manifest.
Power means that you have plenty of resources, energy, and consciousness to accomplish something. What you want to accomplish will be discovered by being in these spaces.
You will be joined on the inner planes by several very large “Presences," highly evolved beings who will assist you in discovering more about your Being. You can recognize that your consciousness comes from one group consciousness after another, after another, each more expansive and higher.
Being Luminous Light creates a great space in which to open your consciousness. As you grow spiritually you are able to realize that your consciousness provides you the basis for experiencing the higher energies you are seeking. Your consciousness provides the means to create an earth life that has great richness and meaning, of your own design.
Being is about the opening that luminous light creates into consciousness, and you recognizing your being as a part of this consciousness.
As you become more certain as to who you are and recognize that you are evolving in expression, you will realize there is not some fixed mold or way of being that you are trying to fit into, but you are creatively evolving your expression.
With each shift your perspective will change, revealing a different landscape. As your perspective changes with the higher energies, wherever you focus can be experienced differently. From the perspective of higher energies such as your aspect selves, past lives, and presences in other planes, your consciousness is part of a much larger consciousness, at many levels. Realizing this you have access to immense energy, because it is of YOU.
Duane message about this course: spend many hours in the Being state DaBen will teach you in this course. The Being state is truly life-changing. DaBen has shown me this space of Being that is so complete, so integrative, such a sense of coming home that I want to spend all my time in this Being space.
It is an amazing experience of dynamic excitement and enveloping peace. At the same time this state greatly increases one's desire to become more conscious so that one might experience more of the infinite depth of this Being space. Somehow this space invites one to use all of one's skills and ability to experience and reach for more consciousness and senses in which to experience.
This space has opened an intellectual understanding that we create our own individuality by our conscious observation, with the enticement to realize this experientially by reaching for more and more conscious dimensions. The concept of time has shifted once again and the concept of space has been redefined, such an "ah ha," and "of course" moment.
I am looking forward to holding and transmitting this space to those of you who are participating. DaBen and I will be with you throughout each journey and whenever you play in these spaces, helping you to be able to experience and amplify the space with each of your unique experiences and consciousnesses.
When you get to the Being space you will experience consciousness at a whole new level. You can realize that you are literally creating individuality by observing, by putting your attention on the focuses of consciousness that are you at higher levels.
This will be a course where you begin to see how the light body and luminous body work you have done in the past starts to fit together and make sense. You realize that you can redo anything - your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs - if you allow it to happen.
DaBen and I look forward to having you join us in the Being spaces throughout this course. Such a wonderful journey we are on!
2023 Graduate Light Body Seminar Dates and Titles
Light Evolutions
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys
LB506E $375
Part 1 9 December 2022. Part 2 6 January 2023, Part 3 3 February 2023, Part 4 3 March 2023
Prerequisite October 2022 Main Seminar
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Enhancing Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Exciting New Mini-seminar Series - Evolving Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys
LB141E $375
Part 1 16 December 2022, Part 2 13 January 2023, Part 3 10 February 2023, Part 4 10 March 2023
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Being, Being Light
Main Seminar, First of Two in a New Series - Being Light
Three days, more than 25 DaBen journeys
LB985E $575
21 through 23 April 2023
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Depth of Being
Two-Day Light Play Seminar Series - Being of Light following the Main Seminar
Two days, more than 18 DaBen journeys
LB721E $375
25 through 26 April 2023
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Your Light Consciousness
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys
LB507E $375
Four months between May and September 2023, to be announced
Prerequisite April 2023 Main Seminar
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Expanding Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Mini-seminar Series - Evolving Awakening Light Body Consciousness
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys
LB142E $375
Four months between May and September 2023, to be announced
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Being Your Unique Light
Main Seminar, Second of Two in a New Series - Being Light
Three days, more than 25 DaBen journeys
LB986E $575
20 through 22 October 2023
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Weaving Consciousness Expressions
Two-Day Light Play Seminar Series - Being of Light following the Main Seminar
Two days, more than 18 DaBen journeys
LB722E $375
24 through 25 October 2023
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Choosing Light
Mini-seminar Series - Light Body Explorations
Four monthly half-day mini-seminars, more than 20 DaBen journeys
LB508E $375
Four months between November 2023 and March 2024, to be announced
Prerequisite October 2023 Main Seminar
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Prerequisites for all light body graduate seminars: You need to have completed DaBen's
Awakening Your Light Body six-volume course or have taken it with a teacher to enroll in any of the graduate light body courses above.
To participate in the two-day Light Play seminars, you will need to have taken the Main Seminar as a prerequisite, as the Light Play seminars build on what was taught in the three-day (Friday through Sunday) Main seminars.
There will be four mini-seminars (Fridays, 9AM-12PM PST) offered in-between the April and October seminars for graduates of the Main seminars.
What preparation do you need to get the most out of DaBen's seminars?
You can have wonderful, expansive, and breakthrough experiences at all levels of study as you get into the energy spaces DaBen is transmitting. Success with DaBen's meditations is not about keeping up with the group or getting the same thing as everybody else is getting, (because everyone will have a completely unique experience as well). It is about opening to the individual opportunities that are the right ones for you.
During each journey DaBen transmits to you
whatever energies are next for you.
Each light body meditation can bring you incredible experiences and life-changing realizations. You will experience exactly what you need to shift into higher consciousness in whatever way is perfect for you. You can experience states of consciousness that are peaceful, flowing, expansive, mystical, and deeply transformative as you participate in DaBen's seminar journeys. Each DaBen meditation offers you an opportunity to experience unique, memorable, and insightful experiences that will expand your consciousness.
DaBen's goal for every seminar is to offer you a significant shift in consciousness that is part of a larger path of reaching new and higher states of consciousness with each course. DaBen's goal for every journey is to offer you an opportunity to have a memorable experience. You can listen again and again, continuing to have peak experiences as you do.
In the upcoming seminars,
DaBen will offer you yet another immense shift in consciousness.
Each seminar is designed to be experienced and enjoyed without needing to complete the previous seminars in the series. However, every light body course you take will enhance your ability to experience what is being taught in the seminars.
As you open to the energies being offered you can shift into as high a space as you are able to experience. DaBen's transmissions will assist you in opening to a vastly expanded perspective of your life from a higher level, often from beyond the earth plane. In this seminar series, you will reach these higher planes by going through portals, getting to meet and work with some amazing, highly evolved beings as you do.
As a metaphor, you might think of living in one room, where your perspective comes from just that room. Then one day you walk outside the room, and see that room is part of a house, with a whole environment around it. It completely changes your perspective of your room and your life in it. DaBen equates the room to living from an earth plane consciousness.